Kumpulan 40+ Soal Ujian Sekolah dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII

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Ujian Sekolah (US) merupakan salah satu momen penting bagi siswa kelas XII dalam menentukan kelulusan dan pemahaman mereka terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari. Salah satu mata pelajaran yang sering menjadi tantangan adalah Bahasa Inggris. Mengingat pentingnya ujian ini, persiapan yang matang sangat diperlukan agar siswa dapat menjawab soal dengan percaya diri dan mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.
Kumpulan 40+ Soal Ujian Sekolah dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII - www.pengajarpedia.com
Kumpulan 40+ Soal Ujian Sekolah dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII

Dalam artikel ini, pengajarpedia telah mengumpulkan lebih dari 40 contoh soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII lengkap dengan pembahasannya. Dengan berlatih menggunakan kumpulan soal ini, siswa dapat memahami pola soal yang sering muncul dan mengasah keterampilan mereka dalam menjawab ujian dengan lebih efektif.

Kumpulan 40+ Soal Ujian Sekolah dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII


In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special direction for each part.

Part one: Question 1 – 4
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues or questions will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.

After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear :
Man         : Tell me about your brother and sister, Andrea?
Woman    : Well, my sister is a lawyer. She works in Jakarta and my brother is a painter. He has an exhibition here in Jogja.

You will also hear:
What are they talking about?
You’ll read in your test book:
A. The man’s job
B. The woman’s job
C. The woman’s family
D. The woman’s address
E. The man’s daily routine.

The best answer to the question is C, “The woman’s family”. Therefore, you should choose answer (C).

1. A. Future Plan
B. University Program
C. Veterinary Business
D. Animals and Pets
E. Graduation Ceremony
Answer : A

2. A. He stole a wallet
B. He bought a wallet
C. He forgot his wallet
D. He found a wallet
E. He lost his wallet
Answer : E

3. A. It is very salty
B. It is very sweet
C. It is very tasty
D. It is very spicy
E. It is very healthy
Answer : C

4. A. It is sunny
B. It is raining
C. They want to eat
D. The want to see the movie
E. They want to do some shopping
Answer : B

Part II
Questions: 5 to 7

In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogue spoken in English followed by four responses also spoken in English. The dialogues and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question or statement.

Now listen to a sample question:

You will hear    : Excuse me! Would it be OK if I use the telephone? I need to call my secretary.
You will also hear:

A. Thanks a lot.
B. Don’t worry!
C. Let’s hope so!
D. Sure, go ahead!

The best answer to the question is “Sure, go ahead”.
Therefore you should choose answer (D)

5. Mark your answer in your answer sheet!
Answer : click here

6. Mark your answer in your answer sheet!
Answer : click here

7. Mark your answer in your answer sheet!
Answer : click here

In this part of the text you will listen to a dialogue and a monologue spoken in English. The dialogue or monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen the dialogue or monologue look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the most suitable one with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.


Answer : click here


Answer : click here


Answer : click here


Answer : click here

Questions: 12 to 15

In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear a monologue and the question or questions about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard.

12. A. The writer
B. The father
C. The mother
D. The brother
E. The parents
Answer : click here

13. A. They put the computer
B. They work in their rooms
C. They have television in it
D. They put some large furniture
E. They play game in their room
Answer : click here

Monologue 2

14. A. He met his grandma
B. He watched outside.
C. He was giggling
D. He stayed awake
E. He fell asleep
Answer : click here

15. A. ashamed
B. afraid
C. happy
D. proud
E. excited
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 16 to 17.

My Most Unforgettable Holiday

In 2015, I went to Derawan Island with my friends and that marks my most memorable holiday ever!

In June, our school was having summer holiday, so we thought to ourselves that it shouldn't go to waste. We quickly browsed the internet to find a good holiday destination and after an hour of heated debate, the four of us agreed to give Derawan Island a try. It was purely out of curiosity as none of us had been there before.

We arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport at 05.30 a.m. as the flight was at 07.00 a.m. First, we flew to Balikpapan and waited for about an hour to continue the flight to Berau. As soon as we touched down in Berau, my friend called the tour agent that we had contacted earlier in Jakarta. They had got a car ready to take us to Labuan Batu. From Labuan Batu, we took a speedboat for about an hour to Derawan Island. It was such a long trip to Derawan but it all paid off as soon as we saw how beautiful the island was.

My friends and I were quickly ushered to our rooms in the resort. It was fantastic! The rooms were in a cottage that was situated right above the sea. So we only had to step out the terrace to find ourselves out in the open sea! After unpacking our luggages and washing up, we went to the dining hall to grab our dinner. The dinner was only simple seafood dishes. The surrounding totally enhanced the dining experience, making the food taste much better.

The following day, we took a speedboat tour, hopping from one island to another Our first trip stop was Kakaban Island where we hiked to reach the lake and swam among stingless jellyfish. The last time I heard, there were only three places in the world that have stingless jellyfish; two of them in Indonesia! Isn't that great? The next stop was the Sangalaki Island where we got to visit sea turtle conservation and took lots of pictures with sea turtle babies. They were so cute!

Our last stop was the Maratua Island where we were able to feed fish and see a threelegged sea turtle. The three-legged sea-turtle wasn't born that way. We were told that it was swimming in the open sea when it was still a baby then its leg got caught in plastic trash and couldn't grow even when the sea-turtle reached adulthood. One of the island's guards saw the seaturtle and saved it. He also untangled the plastic trash that bound the sea-turtle's leg but it was too late. Since then, the sea-turtle is kept in a special space next to the resort in Maratua Island and the guards take turns feeding it to ensure its survival. This is why we should never litter and endanger other creatures! After Maratua Island, we headed back to Derawan Island to catch a late dinner and turned in.

The following morning, we wake up early and ate our breakfast in the dining room. Then, the driver drove us back to the airport so we could catch a flight back to Jakarta. We arrived at Jakarta, exhausted but terribly happy! It was the most unforgettable trip I have ever experienced so far!

16. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
A. To share the readers the writer's most enjoyable experience.
B. To inform to the readers about the beauty of Derawan Island
C. To invite readers to visit the holiday destination mentioned.
D. To give readers some insights on how to have a great holiday.
E. To warn readers to be careful and mindful in order to have a great holiday.
Answer : click here

17. What did the writer learn in the Maratua Island?
A. Littering can endanger sea creatures.
B. We should save three-legged turtles from extinction.
C. Sea creatures depend on human beings for their survival.
D. Maratua Island is the best habitat for three-legged turtles.
E. Save Maratua Island, and you will save the three-legged turtles.
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 18 to 20.

18. Liza asked Daisy to come to her house because …
A. Liza wanted to chat with Daisy
B. Daisy wanted to meet Liza’s family
C. Liza persuaded Daisy to somewhere
D. Liza wanted Daisy to solve her problem
E. Daisy would discuss her problem with Liza
Answer : click here

19. What are the structures of a personal letter?
A. Place, time, greeting, opening, content, closing, complementary close, signature
B. Place, time, salutation, content, closing, complementary close, signature
C. Place, time, greeting, opening, content, complementary close, signature
D. Place, time, greeting, opening, content, complementary close, signature
E. Place, time, salutation, opening, content, close, signature
Answer : click here

20. …. At your house this Sunday to discuss the urgent matter you have. The underlined word has a similar meaning with…
A. Insignificant
B. Negligible
C. Irrelevant
D. Trifling
E. Crucial
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 21 and 22.

21. What is the writer’s purpose of the issuing the announcement?
A. To announce a new store
B. To announce the store has discounts
C. To announce that the store is moved
D. To announce the launching of new products
E. To announce the monthly furniture sale and event
Answer : click here

22. It is implied in the text that the customers can ….
A. Buy the furniture only on August 15
B. Get discount more than 40% on August 15
C. Participate in the party by discounted tickets
D. Received some money from the store at special event
E. Visit the store and watch the concert from Augusrt1 to 15
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 23 to 26.

Try the following tips:
1. Stay out of the sun during peak hours. While these times may vary slightly depending on the season and where you live. You should be indoors if all possible between 10:00 and 15:00.

2. Keep covered up. Floppy hats and large umbrellas work well and so do cover-ups. Longsleeved cotton shirts are excellent for hiking, cycling etc; see your sports store for special brands that allow breathing as well as cover-up.

3. Use sunscreen on any exposed areas. An SPF of 45+ is recommended for it allows even the fairest skinned folks to stay out in the sun for a few hours before reapplying. Try chopstick on your lips. Follow the instructions on sunscreen carefully. Always reapply after leaving the water, as it’ll have washed off.

4. Don’t forget hard-to-reach places. Don’t forget to cover the backs of your knees, back of your neck, elbows and back of your ears (if you have short hair). Feet should also be included if you are wearing sandals, flip-flops or going bare-foot. Even these places can hurt a lot with sunburn.

5. Don’t lie in the sun purposefully seeking a tan. This is not only damaging to your skin but might burn you the first few times you try it at the beginning of the season. If you want to tan, do it gradually and sensibly, with short exposure and building up over time.

6. Put a small amount of oil or sunscreen in your hair so you will avoid burning your scalp. Or cover it with a hat. Some shampoos and hair conditioners contain SPF protection

23. The text tells us about …
A. The steps to cure sunburn.
B. The ways to catch the sunlight.
C. The tips how to prevent sunburn.
D. The information how to apply sunscreen.
E. The warning to avoid sunlight during the day time
Answer : click here

24. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
A. To explain how to stay out during the day.
B. To discuss the information about sunburn.
C. To give some suggestion to avoid sunburn.
D. To tell the important ways to protect the sun.
E. To describe how to apply the sunscreen shampoo.
Answer : click here

25. What should we wear to avoid sunburn?
A. Long – sleeve cotton shirt
B. Sleeve satin dress
C. Wool sweater
D. Backless shirt
E. Plastic cover up
Answer : click here

26. Why should we spend indoors between 10,00 and 15,00?
A. It’s recommended to lie in the sun to find a tan
B. It’s the moment to put a small amount of oil in hour hair
C. It’s the time to wear floppy hats and large umbrellas
D. It’s the best time to avoid sun exposure from sunburn
E. It’s suggested to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 45+
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 27

27. The theme of the lyrics of the song is …
A. Love
B. Family
C. Friendship
D. World peace
E. Social critique
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 28 to 29

28. The rocks fall to the land, …(28)…. smoke makes the air black. The best connecting word to complete the sentence is …
A. Or
B. As
C. And
D. Then
E. Since
Answer : click here

29. Below it is hot liquid rock …(29)… magma. The best word to complete the sentence is …
A. Call
B. Calls
C. Called
D. To call
E. Calling
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 30

Onlookers and would-be rescuers survey 65 long-finned pilot whales lying dead on Monday on Rheban Beach, east of Hobart, Australia, after a mass stranding on Sunday. Normally at home in deep oceanic waters, the thin, black-skinned four-meter whales were out of their usual habitat when 150 became ashore on two beaches on the southern island state of Tasmania.
Rescuers saved 40.

30. Why were the 65 long – finned pilot whales stranded?
A. There was a big hurricane
B. There was big oceanic waves
C. The whales were hunted by the chaser
D. The cause of the phenomenon was not known.
E. The cause of the evident was human daily activities.
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 31 to 34

31. What does the text highlight?
A. Reasons to recycle.
B. Conserving the energy.
C. Protecting the environment.
D. Environmental construction.
E. Saving money through recycling.
Answer : click here

32. We know from the text that …… if we recycle.
A. Landfill sites will decrease
B. Climate change will continue
C. More new products will be reduced
D. Natural habitats will never be affected
E. Air and water pollution will be affected
Answer : click here

33. ”Recycling reduces the need for extracting (mining, quarrying and logging), refining and processing raw materials all of which create substantial air and water pollution.” Based on this quote, we conclude that the writer is telling us that ….
A. Recycling saves us money
B. Recycling reduce landfill
C. Recycling saves energy
D. Recycling conserves raw materials
E. Recycling helps protects the environment
Answer : click here

34. Recycling reduces the need for extracting ... it reduces pollution.
A. Because
B. After
C. Where
D. But
E. so
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 35 to 36

35. What does the text tell about?
A. The Malang anniversary
B. The contest of creative designers
C. The fashion show held in tourist spot
D. The Malang Flower Carnival V (MFC) 2015
E. Events held to commemorate Independence Day
Answer : click here

36. How many participants compete in the MFC V wholly?
A. 47
B. 70
C. 117
D. 157
E. 331
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 37

37. Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful text.
The best arrangement of the above sentences is:
A. 5 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 7 – 3 – 1
B. 1 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 5
C. 2 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 3 – 1
D. 7 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 2
E. 5 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 1 – 3
Answer : click here

The following text is for questions 38 to 40

38. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To define Mount Bromo
B. To describe Tengger’s area
C. To tell a story behind Mount Bromo
D. To explain the readers ow to go to Mount Bromo
E. To tell the readers about popularity of Mount Bromo
Answer : click here

39. It sits inside the massive Tengger caldera. The italic bold typed word refers to …
A. The massive Tengger villages
B. Blocked off areas in Mount Bromo
C. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park
D. Mount Bromo, the most active volcano
E. Particular significance for Tengger people
Answer : click here

40. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. There are spectacular landscapes
B. The beautiful natural tourists destination
C. The significant resident for Tengger people
D. The beautiful landscapes offered by Mount Bromo
E. There are spectacular views and dramatic panorama
Answer : click here

Menghadapi Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris tidak perlu menjadi sesuatu yang menegangkan jika sudah melakukan persiapan yang baik. Dengan berlatih menggunakan kumpulan soal dan pembahasan yang telah disediakan, siswa dapat meningkatkan pemahaman, mengenali pola soal, serta menghindari kesalahan umum dalam menjawab ujian.

Jangan lupa untuk terus mengembangkan keterampilan membaca, menulis, mendengar, dan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris agar semakin percaya diri saat menghadapi soal ujian. 

Semoga kumpulan soal ini dapat membantu kalian dalam meraih hasil terbaik! Selamat belajar dan sukses dalam Ujian Sekolah!
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